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We all get placed in “holding patterns” from time-time — waiting to hear back from someone, waiting on a piece of information, waiting on a decision from someone else. But, we can’t always afford to wait.
TRY THIS TODAY: What can YOU do to advance the ball? Is there something you can do to take the load off the person you’re waiting on? Can someone else help you with what you’re wait for?
If it’s IMPORTANT, then do what you can do to light the fuse and get things moving forward. Take personal responsibility for making it happen.
NEXT STEP: Develop a habit of maintaining a sense of urgency — be the instigator to push things forward and consistently get things done.
All the best to you!
Andy Robinson
Executive Coach Executive Success Partners… A Service Offering of CRG Leadership Institute LLC 239-285-5575
“Helping high-performing executives and business leaders maximize their influence and impact.”