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Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions!
How often do you receive feedback from your manager and peers in your organization? Your clients?
How often do you ASK for feedback from your manager, peers, clients, and third parties?
Are you satisfied with the frequency, depth, and quality of the feedback you receive?
In order to improve, to get better, and ultimately to become the best we can be …feedback is paramount and invaluable. Others see things we don’t see (our “blind spots”). Others experience us in ways that might be different than we intend. Others may or may not be getting the most out of what we can offer them.
REQUEST FEEDBACK … regularly … often … from your manager, your peers, your direct reports, your clients, and others with whom you have significant interaction.
“How can I communicate better with you?”
“How could our meeting have gone better?”
“How can I make your job easier?”
“What do I need to be doing MORE OF?”
“What do I need to be doing LESS OF?”
“What am I doing that’s getting in the way of my effectiveness?”
“What things do I need to STOP doing?”
Make asking for feedback a HABIT. Relish it … Embrace it … Give thanks for it.
Then … ACT on it. Take it to heart and make the changes you need to make.
Who can you ask for feedback TODAY?
Have a great day!
Andy Robinson, Executive Coach
Helping CEO's and executives maximize their influence and impact."