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Connecting Others – A Three Way Gift!

Andy Robinson

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Make it a point to be proactive this week as a resource for connecting people with others in a meaningful and helpful way. Connecting contacts to each other in your network is a THREE-WAY BENEFIT — it’s a gift to BOTH of your contacts and it’s ultimately a gift to yourself — it feels good, it’s intrinsically rewarding and it strengthens the quality of YOUR network.

Consider the following ways to connect others in your network to each other this week:

  1. Refer a service provider in your network to someone who might be in need of their service.

  2. Invite two (or three) people in your network to lunch who don’t know each other but who you believe might mutually benefit in some way from the introduction.

  3. At a club event, business event, party or cocktail reception, make a concerted effort to introduce your contacts to each other and say something GREAT about each of them in front of the other.

  4. Suggest connections on LinkedIn between members of your contact network.

  5. Forward a great blog article from someone in your network to another party in your network for whom the article might be useful and relevant.

  6. Organize a golf foursome with a group of network contacts who do not necessarily know each other very well but who might have something in common.

  7. Make a habit of suggesting #FollowFriday recommendations on Twitter between followers in your Twitter network.

  8. Make a habit of ending EVERY conversation with the following question: “Who could I introduce you to who could help you accomplish your business goals and objectives this week.”

  9. Simply stay aware this week of your intention to connect others and take advantage of all opportunities that emerge.

Andy Robinson

Executive Coach Executive Success Partners… A Service Offering of CRG Leadership Institute LLC 239-285-5575

“Helping high-performing executives and business leaders maximize their influence and impact.”


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