We (very) OFTEN find ourselves in a WAITING mode — much more so than we probably realize:
Waiting while on hold on a telephone call
Waiting in traffic or at a red light
Sitting in a waiting room at the doctor’s or dentist’s office
Waiting for a meeting to begin
Waiting to sit down at a restaurant; or waiting for the check
Waiting to board an airplane, or waiting to deplane once you arrive at your destination
Waiting for iTunes to sync or new software to download
Waiting for someone to join you
Add it all up — over the course of a day, a week, a month, a year — and you’ll find hours and hours of time (days even) that COULD be put to productive use IF you plan ahead.
Waiting time does not have to be wasted time. Waiting time can be put to super-productive use. What are some simple tasks could you complete while you wait? What are some quick things you could get done? Waiting time is an excellent time to:
Sort quickly through incoming emails to see if you have anything important to respond to
Return a quick phone call
Make a quick phone call or leave a quick voice mail message
Read a magazine article or blog article (I ALWAYS have a reading list at hand — on my phone, on my iPad, in my briefcase)
Update your calendar
Update and review your to-do lists
Review your key goals for the week
Write a quick thank you note
Send a birthday card (I keep a supply handy for that very purpose)
Engage in a mini brainstorming session — generating ideas to solve a problem you’re dealing with or generating ideas for an upcoming presentation or client meeting
Pay a bill or two
Write a quick email
Make your dinner reservations for the night
Call your son, daughter, spouse for a quick “hello”
Read something uplifting or inspirational
Meditate and quiet your mind
View your waiting time as a GIFT — a gift of “free” time available to you to get something useful done.
Plan ahead for your waiting time. I have a “to-do list” category called “Do Anywhere” which is a list of things I can do while waiting, regardless of where I am.
Load up your phone and iPad with material that can be read while you’re waiting.
Use your waiting time to your advantage …. it truly is a gift if you use it wisely.
What are you waiting for?
Best to you!
Andy Robinson
Andy Robinson, Executive Coach
"Helping CEO's and executives maximize their influence and impact."